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Jack Priestley’s Family History

This site is a work-in-progress. There is a massive amount to cover. I have included both male and female lines. Keep coming back for more.
I have numbered the generations working backwards from Jack’s as (1)



ANTHONY PETTIE. We have not found a baptism for this older Anthony Pettie. Gillian Waters believes he is the third son of Christopher Petty and his wife Jane who farmed at Storithes in the parish of Bolton Abbbey. Although she does not say so, it is likely that she gained this information from Christopher Petty’s will. [1]

The date of his marriage in 1615 suggests he was born around 1590, though if we are right about his wife’s age, he could be younger.

Anthony’s father Christopher died in 1612. His eldest brother William inherited the farm. It was necessary for Anthony to find a farm elsewhere. The baptisms of his children show that he was living at Cawder Hall Farm, just south of Skipton. He appears to have been a farmer, probably of the yeoman class.


MARY JOWETT. We do not have a firm baptism for Mary. She was married in Keighley, 8 miles SE of Skipton, but we do not find her baptism there. The most likely one is in Heptonstall, nearly 10 miles SW of Keighley.

1599/1600 Feb 24  Mary d of William Jowett

There is also a baptism in Bradford in 1600 for Mary daughter of Richard Jowett, but this is followed by the baptism of a second Mary in 1610, so we may assume the earlier one died.

The Heptonstall baptism would make her only 15 at the time of her marriage, but at this early date this is possible.

Both Anthonie and Mary were Elizabethans. Elizabeth I died in 1603.


Marriage. Keighley.
1615 Dec 11  Anthony Pettye and Marye Jowett. Residence: Keighley.

Waters says they had eight children, of whom four boys and two girls survived to adulthood. We have found the baptisms of five of them. We have excluded some children of Anthony Petty from other parts of Skipton.


Baptism. Skipton
1616 Sep 10  Marie ye daughter of Anthonie Pettie of Calder House.
1618 Oct 13   John ye so: of Anthonie Pettie of Calder House
1620 Jan 16  Christopher the sonne of Anthonie Pettit of Caulder House
1624  Jul  ?  ? the sonne of Anthony Pettie of Cauder.
This may be the son Richard ascribed to Anthony and Mary on Gillian Waters’ website.
1627 Jun 19   Ann the daughter of Anthony Petty
Marie was buried on 25 July 1632, aged 15.
1634 Feb 5  Anthony the sonne of Anthony Petty of Callder House
Waters also lists a daughter Elinor. 1 May 1629 (actually 1630), but the address does not appear to be Cauder House.


Anthony died in 1638.

Burial. Holy Trinity, Skipton.
1637/8  Feb 6  Anthony Petty of Cauder.

He was probably only in his forties. His eldest son was 20.

Four years later, the country was plunged into Civil War.

Mary continued to live at Cawder House with her eldest son John and her grandchildren. She survived Anthony by thirty years, living through the Civil War, the Restoration of the monarchy, into the reign of James II.

Burial. Holy Trinity, Skipton.
1669 Nov 8  Widow Mary Petty of Cauder.



[1] http://www.bgwaters.co.uk/petyt2.htm
[2] http://www.aroundaboutbritain.co.uk/pictures/1352-2009-05-30-06-21-423556.jpg
[3] http://stayinbritain.co.uk/photos/photos/93767cawdor33.jpg




Riley Tree