Jack Priestley’s Family History
This site is a work-in-progress. There is a massive amount to cover. I have included both male and female lines. Keep coming back for more.
I have numbered the generations working backwards from Jack’s as (1)
RAYNOLD WADDINGTON was the second son of Robert Waddington and Alice Grimshaw.
He was born around 1441. He appears to have held property in Haslingden, between Accrington and Manchester, and Chaigley (Sunnyhurst). Haslingdon was an estate brought to the Waddingtons by Raynold’s mother Alice Grimshaw. Chaigley is a hamlet not far from the village of Waddington, from which Raynold’s father’s family took its name. “Sunnyhurst” is Stoneyhurst, the manor house in Chaigley.
Raynald’s father came from a family of landed gentry with only modest holdings. His mother was from the much more well-endowed Grimshaw family.
Raynald had an elder brother George, who was expected to inherit the family estates.
MARGARET PARKER was the third daughter of Robert Parker. Her father was quite literally a “Parker” or park keeper of Radholme Park . This was a large deer park in the Forest (royal hunting preserve) of Bowland, 4 miles NW of Clitheroe. Her forebears had been “parkers” for four generations.
The park keepers were royal appointments and of some status. Margaret’s uncle, also a “parker”, was able to build Brownsholme Hall. The Parkers are thought to have been hereditary deputy keepers.
Margaret’s father farmed at Radholme Laund, within the deer park.
She had two older sisters, Isabel and Elizabeth, but no brothers.
We do not know her mother’s name.
Life at Radholme Laund must have been isolated. Even today it stands alone, in the magnificent uplands of the Forest of Bowland.rmhouse.[1]
The Waddingtons and the Parkers were near neighbours. Many Parkers lived in the village of Waddington, just across the River Ribble from Clitheroe. This was also the ancestral home of the Waddingtons. The almshouses in the village were the gift of a later Robert Parker. In 1913a modern Robert Parker was created a life peer and took the title Baron Waddington.
In 1464 Raynold and Margaret’s fathers agreed an indenture concerning their marriage. It granted Margaret a marriage portion from the Waddington estates. [2] The document is not fully legible, but reads:
This Indenture made between Robert Waddington upon the one part and Robert Parker upon the other part Witnesseth that the aforesaid Robert Waddington has granted to the said Robert Parker the marriage of Raynold Waddington, heir apparent to the said Robert Waddington to be married to Margaret, daughter of the said Robert Parker, also the said Robert Waddington grants to make to the said Margaret the annual rent of 26/8 yearly to be taken to the term of her natural life and all his lands, messuages and tenements in Waddington, also the aforesaid Robert grants that he shall make . . . . of any of his Estates, messuages, lands and tenements in Waddington and Haslingden … but may remain to the said …
The final terms of the document are unclear.
For her part, Margaret brought leases in Pewaye to the marriage. “Pewaye” is Newhey-in-Bolland. This name is no longer in use, but is thought to be the present Coulthurst. Colthurst Hall is a mile west of Waddington. She is said to have acquired it through her brother-in-law Ralf Rishton.
The settlement also involved land in Clayton, which the Waddingtons had acquired through Raynold’s mother. Raynold’s uncle Henry Grimshaw had divided the manor of Clayton with the Rishdons.
We know of three sons: Robert, Richard and Thomas. There were probably daughters as well.
As the second son, Raynold had not expected to be his father’s heir, but in his elder brother George predeceased their father without issue. When Robert Waddington died he left Raynold as his principal heir.
In 1483 Raynold was again involved with the Grimshaw over land in Clayton. He is here said to be Raynold Waddington of Haslingden. Nicholas Grimshaw is the other party.[3]
Raynold Waddington died around 1490.
We have no death date for Margaret.
Their son Robert held traditional family lands in Stoneyhurst, Chaigely and in Haslingden.
He died in 1552. His Inquisition Post Mortem reads:
TRANSLATED FROM THE LATIN. 1552. Robert Wadington.-lnquisitions Port Mortem.
Robert Wadington gentleman, died 18th day of January in the 5th year of Edward VI. (1552) and … _ . (sic MS.). He held on the day he died, in Wadington 5 messuages, 100 acres of Land, 20 acres of Meadow, 40 acres of pasture, 10 acres of wood, 300 acres of furze, Moor and turf with appurtenances : they are held of John Tempest, Knight, by Knight’s Service and an annual rent of 4s. and they are worth per Annum £4. 5s. 6d.
Robert left no son, so his lands passed to his daughter Margaret and her husband Richard Elston.
- Yorkshire Fines, p. n3. Fine levied in Hilary Term 36 Henry Vlll (1544-5) between Edward Moldyng, Clerk and Robert Waddington of 5 messuages and lands in Waddington which at the death of Robert remain to Richard son of Ralph Elston and his heirs.
These were later the subject of a complaint by his granddaughter Elizabeth Elston.
From the Public Record Office. Duchy of Lancaster Pleadings, Vol. 31, No. Er.
COMPLAINT by Elizabeth Elston that Robert Waddington was seised in demesne as of fee of 7 messuages, 80 acres of land, meadow and pasture, 20 acres of wood and 100 acres of Moss, moor and turbary in Waddington and Chageley Co. Lancaster and conveyed the same to Ralph Mouldinge, Clerk and his heirs to the use of said Robert Waddington for life and after his death to Richard Elston, father of complainant and his heirs for ever. Robert died and Richard Elston entered into and was possessed of the premises and he died and the same descended as they ought by right to do to said Elizabeth and daughter and heir of Richard. She had held the same since her father’s death until now when certain deeds having come into the hands of Ralph Elston, Richard Kindall and James Alston, they have entered into the premises and refused to give them up or give her the said Deeds and evidences and she desired they may be called to answer the premises.
Their second son Richard Waddington became ordained. In 1480 he was rector of Lodington in Northants, but returned to his roots and was rector of St Helen’s, Waddington, around 1490. He died in 1500 and was buried in Waddington.
The third son Thomas married Alice Towneley, widow of John Towneley, who built Towneley Hall on the outskirts of Burnley.
[1] https://bowlandclimber.files.wordpress.com/2020/11/dsci1485-e1605046963557.jpg?w=501&h=376
[2] 3rd Novr. 37 Henry VI (1464). Lancashire Charters.
[3] Deed 22 Edward IV, i.e., 1483.